of Indoor Cultivation

Environment within Environment (EwE)™
Moving out of fields into double closed environments provides higher nutritional values, above organic, consistent, high yield, and year-round fresh products.
Indoor Cultivation for The Industry 4.0 Era
Hortica pioneering of microenvironment cultivation solutions for industry 4.0 agriculture, leveraging its proprietary “environment within an environment” (EwE)™ technology which enables improving quality while radically reducing energy costs and environmental impact.


Our Impact
Our commitment to environmental impact is core to what we do.
We ensure a net-negative CO2 footprint including water usage which, in closed-loop tests, is proven to reduce water usage by 95%, dramatically lower energy consumption and more.
Real-time data processing
Continuous research and development are focused on Hortica’s goal to deliver universal, predictable, and profitable crops, enhanced through sensors and software systems which include artificial intelligence (AI), autonomous actions, and natural genetic reproduction. Massive amounts of valuable data generated by every implementation, including a range of very small sensors, are processed at the edge of the Hortica Cloud, then routed to applications generating operational information, alerts, notifications, and real-time visual images.
Real-time data processing
Continuous research and development are focused on Hortica’s goal to deliver universal, predictable, and profitable crops, enhanced through sensors and software systems which include artificial intelligence (AI), autonomous actions, and natural genetic reproduction. Massive amounts of valuable data generated by every implementation, including a range of very small sensors, are processed at the edge of the Hortica Cloud, then routed to applications generating operational information, alerts, notifications, and real-time visual images.